In learning from a case, [students] determine the relevant facts, analyze them, and draw conclusions about the cause of the problem and what action to take. Their conclusions often differ from both the protagonist’s thinking and the case writer’s own implicit diagnosis, although all are based on the same facts. The most powerful and interesting cases are those that allow for several assessments of the same situation, leading to several equally plausible and compelling conclusions, each with different implications for action. Source:
This case study provides an example of how the authors used instructional design processes in their work. Reviewing this case will give you ideas for how ISD can be used in developing projects and writing reports. As you review the case, note how the ISD approach was incorporated from the perspective of the developers, and consider how CSI can improve processes in similar ways. Ask yourself how you would approach this case based on ISD strategies. As you read the case, also consider the format, writing style and organization that the authors used to communicate the processes and information.
Use the following case study for your conference activity.
CASE STUDY: Quality Management in an eLearning Support Unit
Added 4/23: MORE Case Studies from which to choose
- Authoring for eLearning 2.0: A Case Study: To review this case study, open the document attached at the bottom of this page OR from a UMUC browser go to the IEEE Library at and click on the link to the PDF article. This second option will not work from your home computer.
- How Reusable are Learning Object Templates: A Case Study
- From Classroom to Computer: A Case Study of Drastic Change (note that there are two parts to this study)
How do I use case studies for student learning?